Fine Art Photography and Sculpture

MFA Vermont College
BFA Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
Drawing and Painting Carnegie Mellon
(3 year Pre-College Scholarship)
Drawing Tam O' Shanter Carnegie Tech
(4 year Pre-College Scholarship)
Kripalu School of Yoga E-500 Hour RYT
In the Covid-19 Responses work, I felt inspired to combine yoga “mudras” or hand-gestures with a symbol of protection against transmission of the virus, rubber gloves. There are twenty-five Hatha yoga mudras believed to depict certain processes or states of consciousness. Here are depicted a few mudras specifically for healing.
In the Symbolic Relationship series, the analog camera or digital sensors record moments in time. Shutters can stop, slow down and even speed up what is recorded so we can take a closer or different look. This photographic information can then be further studied and changed through the creative editing process. These still-life images are intended to symbolize human relationships.
The Memorial Sculptures were created in snow or wood as memorials to loved ones and to nature.
The Scottish Isles Landscapes depict my favorite place on earth, my spiritual home where I could spend eternity.
As a visual artist my goal is to articulate thoughts and feelings into images to challenge our perceptions of the world and of ourselves.
1. Resignation (2 entwined empty gloves), represents acceptance
2. Apan Mudra removes waste and toxins, create new beginnings
3. Shunya Mudra for heavenly sounds and better hearing/listening
4. Ganesha Mudra to overcome all obstacles
5. Jnana Mudra gesture of consciousness and knowledge
6. Naga Mudra for supernatural strength, wisdom, shrewdness
7. Shivalinga Mudra energy-charging mortar and pestle